Coriander seed oil – Uses and Benefits


Coriander is quite an attractive plant but it is one of those divisive plants. Some people love it and others can’t stand it. Coriander leaves also is called Cilantro and  is used in a lot of Mexican dishes. I absolutely love it whist my husband reckons it taste like soap. Well, interesting enough scientist have found that a genetic component is responsible for this. Those who dislike cilantro have taste and olfactory receptors that can determine the smell of aldehyde chemicals. You guessed it – Cilantro and soap both contains aldehydes.

The seeds however has a very different  smell to it. A bit sweet, woody and spicy and adds a lovely flavor to foods. Coriander essential oil is distilled from the seeds of the plant. Sometimes it is called Coriander seed oil.  Coriander is one of those herbs mentioned in the Bible and even found in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh. I love the smell of Coriander seeds and roasted and crushed Coriander seeds is an important ingredient when making biltong which is probably the reason why biltong taste so much different than beef jerky. Before I get carried away on that bunny trail  – let’s have a look at the uses and benefits of Coriander Seed oil.



Coriander aids in digestion and prevents flatulence.

Stimulating appetite and have been used in helping those who struggles with the eating disorder anorexia nervosa.

Colic and  indigestion relief due to the anti-spasmodic properties.

May ease nausea.

Helpful to deal with gastritis. Coriander seed oil contains a very high percentage of linalool which is the component that calms and deal with anxiety. Gastritis is often linked with anxiety and especially worry. I can personally tell you that it is true. I was diagnosed with gastritis a couple of years ago and whenever I get really stressed or worry about something it would flare up.

Relaxes the digestive system and relieve intestinal spasms – the carminative and anti-spasmodic  properties of the oil will ease the pain and get rid of gas and cramps in the intestines.


Aches and pains

Coriander is a very warming oil and can bring relief for rheumatic conditions as well as for arthritis due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties.

Boosting circulation and very effective in lymphatic drainage makes it a great oil to use for muscular pains, aches and stiffness.



Mental health

Boost Memory

Shock & Fear  – Coriander oil is very grounding and calming.

Nervous exhaustion

Helps with mental fatigue. Keeps you alert and refreshed. The linalool in Coriander oil makes it a great oil of choice for anxiety and to use a sleep aid.


Stretch marks and congested skin

Always use essential oil diluted in a carrier oil. Be careful with very sensitive skin to not cause a skin sensitivity.

In Ayurvedic medicine Coriander seed oil is a remedy for itchy skin and for dealing with rashes.


Adrenal fatigue

Coriander seed oil is one of those oils that can slow you down when the day speed away with you and during that time we often feel overwhelmed. Often adrenal fatigue can develop because we are constantly under pressure.




Blends well with 









Coriander oil – Coriandrum sativum)



Major Constituents for the Seed Oil

  • Linalool
  • a-Pinene
  • Gamma-Terpinene
  • B-Pinene
  • p-Cymene

General Safety Information

Do not take essential oils internally or apply essential oils undiluted topically.

Follow Dilution recommendations on the Essential oil Dilution chart.

Pregnant women have to consult with a qualified aromatherapist and or midwife and doctor before using essential oils, especially topically.

If you have liver damage, cancer, suffers from epilepsy or other medical problems and take medicine on a regular basis  then you have to use essential oils under the guidance of a trained aromatherapist.

Before using essential oils on children you should consult with a qualified aromatherapist.

You can have a read here about using essential oils for children.

Check whether the essential oil of your choice is safe to use around your pets. Here  is a list of essential oils safety for dogs.

Always use a very high quality essential oil such as an organic oil. Organic essential oil is far superior than therapeutic grade essential oil.

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