
The best essential oils for acne

I watch one of my children really struggling with acne and I can absolutely relate. As a teenager and even as a young adult I had a really bad skin and it affected my entire personality. I just wanted to hide from the world. I used to cover up all those blemishes which made it […]


Self care is not the same as self-pity. Often though it is in low season where we feel very sorry for ourselves that we realize we have neglected taking care of our own needs. Self care is also not being self absorbed or just focusing on yourself and taking care of you. That is called  […]

Breast Health-Breast Cancer awareness

Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer and for most of us we are aware of various breast cancer campaigns and fundraisers.  We have heard about it, we see pink ribbons often on merchandise but it really doesn’t hit home until a close friend or relative or yourself get the diagnosis. […]