I have read about Hyssop and got really intrigued about how this plant can help me with my allergies and my shortness of breath that I struggle with on a regular basis. Wanting to dig a bit deeper to find out why they call this humble little herb ‘ The breath of life’. Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis) is an ancient herb that is even mentioned in the Bible and was used in the sacrificial rituals of purification. Temples were swept with bundles of this herb, like a broom. Cultures like the Greeks burned or vaporized Hyssop in rooms to clean it out or to prevent sickness from spreading. The name for this little bushy evergreen comes from the Greek ‘azob’ which means ‘holy herb’. Let’s look at this holy herb and its uses and benefits for lung health.
In the Bible in Psalm 51, which is a psalm of David, who was a very prominent figure in the Bible. David wrote this psalm after the prophet Nathan visited him and David had to face his dreadful actions. Not only his adultery with Bathsheba but then also for sending her husband deliberately to the front line of the battlefield, to get rid of him. This is the context of the psalm and David is crying out to the Lord to purify him, to forgive him.
It is meant as a metaphor to clean his heart and get rid of all the yucky sticky sins that is hiding in all the dark corners of his heart. Psalm 51 is a beautiful look at what a truly contrite heart really look like. Coming clean before God and others about the wrongs that was done.
Hyssop uses and benefits
Hyssop can get rid of the stubborn, thick phlegm and nastiness in our lungs and intestines. Catarrh is thick sticky mucous and Hyssop will fluidity the mucous, so thinning it out so that it can drain. Mucous congestion of the membranes is a breeding ground for bacteria which will make you more susceptible to certain disorders. Maintaining the health of the lungs is a good reason to have Hyssop in your essential oil kit.
Well, let’s have a look at this powerful herb. It has been used as a purifier and a cleaner in other cultures as well. Be aware though that most of the ancient uses was referring to using the herb itself, so the flowers and the leaves and not necessarily essential oil. Essential oils are very concentrated and therefor always need to be diluted with a carrier oil such as almond oil, coconut oil or grape seed oil.
Before we look into the uses and benefits of Hyssop oil there is a warning though.
Avoid using Hyssop if you are pregnant or suffer from epilepsy
What is Hyssop
It is a small bushy herb and part of the mint family. It is a native plant of the Mediterranean region, Southern Europe and the region around the Caspian Sea. The flowers look very similar to those of the Lavender plant and smell like a combination of Thyme and Basil with a hit of Geranium.
It has a sweet , spicy herbal smell almost like camphor oil. Hyssop essential oil contains antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Studies have been done to test the benefit of using Hyssop oil as a natural antibiotic and assisting the body to cope better with viral infections.
Just to clarify, there has not been any studies done on the effects of Hyssop essential oil on Coronaviruses at all
Hyssop essential oil contains almost every chemical compound found in essential oils.
Hyssop can get rid of the stubborn, thick phlegm and nastiness in our lungs and intestines. Catarrh is thick sticky mucous and Hyssop will fluidity the mucous, so thinning it out so that it can drain. Mucous congestion of the membranes is a breeding ground for bacteria which will make you more susceptible to certain disorders. Maintaining the health of the lungs is a good reason to have Hyssop in your essential oil kit.
Soothing for a sore throat and due to the antispasmodic properties it can help with coughing and bronchial spasms.
Digestive issues can benefit with the use of Hyssop and it is helpful to treat worms and parasites.
Unique in the way that it is a tonic and a stimulant as well.
Anti-inflammatory properties of Hyssop oil helps with skin irritations such as minor burns and rashes, eczema and dermatitis. Cellular regenerative properties makes Hyssop great for scarring due to acne and it is a wonderful oil to use as a wound healer of for bruising. Antiseptic properties makes Hyssop a good oil for the acne sufferer.
Head lice and fleas are easily treated with Hyssop.
How to use Hyssop essential oil
Diffuse 3 drops of Hyssop oil in a well ventilated area. Make sure you use a good quality Hyssop oil as well as a diffuser.
Apply topically
Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil such as coconut or almond oil.
Mixes well with:
Citrus oils such as Lemon, Orange and Grapefruit
Herbal oils such as Clary Sage, Rosemary
Floral oils such as Lavender and Geranium
Hyssop Tea
Tea experts call Hyssop tea ‘The breathe of life’ because it relieves mucous congestion.
Here are a few of the properties and uses for Hyssop Tea:
- Antibacterial properties
2) Expectorant properties that help to clear out mucous out of the bronchial air passages and help you breathe easier.
3) Effective when having a cold or coughing and helps with bronchial spasms
4) Break up phlegm, especially deposited phlegm
5) Help for sore scratchy throats. Drinking Hyssop tea will be really helpful if you have to do a lot of talking.
6) Great for treating stress and anxiety
7) Quite an uplifting tea and especially helpful when someone is dealing with grief
8) Help to ease digestive issues and flatulence. Due to the antispasmodic properties it relieves digestive spasms
9) Traditional remedy for rheumatism, stiffness and inflammation of the joints.
How to brew Hyssop tea.
Hyssop tea is mostly sold as loose tea leaves which means you have to put it in a teapot and then strain it before you drink it. You can add about 1 teaspoon of tea per cup of boiling water. Steep it for about 5 minute before enjoying the tea.
Hyssop supplements
Sometimes I find myself constantly on the run and then supplements is an easy option to use the benefits of this amazing little herb. You still have to avoid taking the supplements if you are pregnant, breast feeding or suffer from epilepsy. Always consult your doctor before taking supplements and follow the dosage on the container when taking supplements.
Ensure you are buying top quality Hyssop supplements
Avoid using Hyssop if you are pregnant or suffer from epilepsy.
Caution should be used when using Hyssop essential oil especially. Pinocamphene, which is a ketone, is the active constituent and is the reason why this oil is problematic for epileptic sufferers.
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